Thursday, March 12, 2009


Yeah!! At last Tiong win!!! Hapi, Hapi, freaky hapi, damn so HAPPY!! haha (^.^) Every year i wish Tiong win. 最后终于等到了!

Dancing part is the most exciting part to me. But i keep on dance wrong. Mayb i was hyper-active + high gua... Hehe.. Every1 are the best! I hope we can dance next year! I hope i dun nid to move house.
I decide to fight 到底!I DON'T WAN TO MOVE!

1 comment:

左手 said...

我奇怪,干嘛會有我的名字?tiong tiong boleh?哈啊!原來是跳舞!好贊!少年人的魅力實在不容忽視!加油!社會很需要你們這樣有活力的年輕人!如果每個年輕人都像你們一樣,社會一定會少了很多不必要的犯罪問題!